winslow + partners
ideas for a changing world
Kapolei Middle School - Campus|Educational Planning
Kapolei, HI
The educational planning process focused on incorporating traditional Hawaiian cultural elements, while focusing on the social construct of the school. The planning committee established that the largest space, the cafeteria, should be an octagon, in order to provide a sense of tradition. However, the educational organization was around creating comfort for the students, be they socially very dependent or totally independent, so they would be prepared to learn. The criteria developed was to create the individual classroom groupings or “houses” around the perimeter of a large open commons area. The strategy developed was to create a small courtyard for each house, where a totally dependent student would feel secure, just outside of their classroom. A more independent student could sit outside of the window from the teacher’s workroom that was at the entry into the “house”. Students that were more independent could sit in an area across the circular walk between houses, more inside the open campus area. With a low wall and tree behind, for some shelter, they would be able to see and be seen by others. The center of this large central space was a plaza that would allow those who needed to be at the center of attention, could be seen by all.
Paul Winslow, FAIA, led the design development, and was the project architect while working at Orcutt/Winslow.
Educational Planning Services under a different architectural
Kapolei, HI